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General - About DLK - Purpose
Purpose Board Committees    

Danish Leonberger Club (Dansk Leonberger Klub - DLK) is a special club under The Danish Kennel Club and the most important purpose is to promote the knowledge of and interest in the Leonberger as well as work for the prevalence and breeding of typical Leonbergers of strong character.

In 1977 Dansk Leonberger Klub had the first general meeting and today it has about 200 members.
5 times a year the club issues a clubmember magazine with information of activities in the club as well as information and stories from the members. The club arranges shows, social events and lecture evenings, by itself or in co-operation with other special clubs. Same are very popular among the members and you need not have ambitions for your dog to participate in these arrangements.

Moreover DLK is in charge of obedience training in co-operation with other clubs. Training areas are available around in the country so it will always be possible to find a training area near your home.

As a member of DLK you have certain advantages. Besides receiving the magazine “Leonberger News” there will be given a discount on training of more dogs as well as a grant to eye examinations. Moreover as a member you can benefit from the knowledge and experience of the club management – concerning behaviour, training, show and all other questions you may have when you get a puppy.